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Most spoken languages in the world 2023


Spoken languages. It always amazes me how different people speak different languages and understand each other. If two people are speaking the Chinese language, then an English-speaking person is surprised that both of them are understanding each other’s speech and understanding each other.
Similarly, if some people are talking in an African language, a person who knows German will be surprised who they are talking to and understand each other.

There are more than seven thousand languages (7000+) in the world but more than half of the population of the world is speaking only 23 languages. Some languages have very small communities whereas some languages are spread over the world. For example, Ongota is a language in Ethiopia which have only 10 speakers. But English is a language with millions of speakers all over the world. Spoken languages

In this article, we will discuss the 10 most popular languages in the world.

Urdu231 million
Portuguese234 million
Russian258 million
Bengali265 million
Arabic274 million
French280 million
Spanish534 million
Hindi615 million
Mandarin1117 million
English1132 million

10. Urdu

  • Overall there are more than 231 million Urdu speakers around the globe.

9. Portuguese

Portuguese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world which expanded in the European colonial period. It is the official language of nine countries. Different countries in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia are speaking Portuguese. Brazil is the largest country with the most numbers of Portuguese speakers.

  • 234 million speakers worldwide

8. Russian

The Russian language belongs to the eastern branch of the Slavic family of languages. It is the primary language of the majority of people in Russia and it is also the official language of the country. It is also used as a second language in other former republics of the Soviet Union.

  • 258 million speakers

7. Bengali

Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh. It is also a popular language in some parts of India and Burma. Bangladesh is a small country but because of its population density, it has a huge number of Bengali speakers

  • 265 million speakers

6. Arabic

  • 274 million speakers

5. French

Through colonial expansion, French spread throughout the world, and today, it is the official language of 29 countries around different continents. French is considered a language of culture. It is one of the most popular languages in Europe.

  • 280 million speakers

4. Spanish

Spanish language ranks as the second most spoken language globally by the number of native speakers and holds third position in terms of internet usage. Its significant colonial spread extended beyond the Americas to reach Africa and Asia. Moreover, due to migratory movements, the United States boasts the second-largest population of Spanish speakers worldwide.

  • 534 million speakers

3. Hindi

Along with English, Hindi is one of the 22 official languages of India. With the highest population in the world, India has highest number of Hindi speakers. In speaking, it is similar to Urdu and both speakers can understand both languages.

  • 615 million speakers

2. Mandarin

  • 1117 million speakers

1. English

English is viewed as the contemporary lingua franca, serving as the go-to language in sectors like international business, tourism, and technology, among others. A person fluent in both Spanish and English has the ability to communicate with one out of three Internet users (Internet World Stats, 2019). Moreover, this bilingual capability opens up access to 60% of the content available on the web.

  • 1132 million speakers

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