Explore languages with stories and conversations. Learn Naturally, Enjoyably and Effectively!

Our mission is to transform language learning into a natural, enjoyable, and effective experience. We’re introducing a method that’s both highly effective and entertaining, ensuring that learning a new language never feels tedious or boring.

Introducing Lingostry

Lingostry is a learning app that offers a fresh and enjoyable approach to mastering a foreign language. By engaging with stories, conversations, and book summaries for just 10-15 minutes daily, you can rapidly enhance your vocabulary and overall language proficiency. Our platform includes a flashcards feature, allowing you to save challenging words and review them at your convenience. Reading stories and everyday conversations is an excellent way to understand how the language you are learning functions in real-world contexts.

Our Method

Attention, focus, and consistency are essential when mastering a new skill, especially a language. Traditional language learning methods often lead to boredom and fatigue, causing learners to lose interest and focus, which impedes their progress.

After extensive research and analysis, the Lingostry team has developed a more captivating approach: learning languages through stories, everyday conversations, and book summaries. This method keeps learners engaged through the inherent interest and curiosity sparked by narratives. In our web and mobile apps, learners can click on any word to see its meaning; to aid comprehension, the app also displays a sentence featuring the clicked word, providing context and demonstrating how the word is usedThis innovative approach not only maintains learner interest but also enhances understanding and retention.

The Benefits Of Using Lingostry

Using Lingostry for language learning provides numerous advantages that make it an ideal platform for those seeking an effective and enjoyable way to enhance their language skills. The platform transforms passive reading into an interactive experience, allowing learners to click on any word in a text to see its meaning and hear its pronunciation, thus improving comprehension and pronunciation accuracy. Additionally, Lingostry enriches learning by showing sentences that use the clicked word, helping learners understand both the meaning and the context of new vocabulary.

Lingostry keeps users engaged with a variety of content including stories, daily dialogues, book summaries, and TV show excerpts. This method leverages the natural curiosity and entertainment value of storytelling, making learning both enjoyable and effective. The platform also offers customizable vocabulary practice through a flashcard system, diverse learning materials to suit different preferences, and flexible learning opportunities on both web and mobile platforms. Progress tracking and cultural exposure further enhance the learning experience, making Lingostry a comprehensive tool for achieving linguistic proficiency and cultural understanding.


The key to improving your vocabulary in any language is input, input and more input. Beelinguapp’s news articles and stories will introduce you to new words with every text that you read. The vocabulary you learn will always be in context as everyday speech – not stilted classroom language.


The benefit to reading in your target language is that you can move at your own pace. Stop when you want to check new vocabulary or re-read to make sure you understand. Reading is proven to dramatically increase the range and sophistication of your vocabulary, even in your own language! Beelinguapp provides all the reading input you need to support your language studies.


The other receptive language skill, listening, applies a little more pressure as you move at the pace of the speaker. Listening is an essential skill for interacting with speakers of your target language. Beelinguapp only uses native language voice actors, to help train your ear in hearing how the locals speak.

Our Tools

Our texts are supported by language learning tools, such as the glossary and flashcards. Using these tools both support your language learning and help you to personalize your learning experience. Use them as much or as little as you choose to customize your learning experience.

Lingostry Stories

The problem with many textbooks, apps and websites is that they are frequently very serious and disconnected from the real world, which can take the fun out of learning. It’s harder to motivate yourself to study when you’re not engaged. Our stories are interesting, fun and provide a natural insight into your target language. So rather than language study being a chore, you can look forward to diving into one of our stories.

The Best Choice

Whether you’re learning SpanishEnglishFrenchGermanArabicJapanese or one of the other languages available on our app, Beelinguapp is the best choice to expand your vocabulary and language knowledge. It’s fast, fun, easy and free to get started. Simply download the app either right here from our website or from Google Play or Apple’s App Store. Beelinguapp is the language learning app you’re looking for.

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